I just love Fridays. Fridays mean catching up on school work, laundry, grocery shopping, and just all-around catching up on life. And I like to be caught up.
This Friday is particularly fun because I get to spend a good portion of it baking! Tomorrow night we're throwing a Drinks & Desserts shower for Rachel & Jon, so I'm starting the baking process today. The problem is that there are SO many things that I want to try. Mom, Casey, and Kate have both stocked my recipe bookshelves over the years with so many fantastic cook books devoted solely to yummy treats. I have my "old faithful" recipes, but I also have new ones that I've been dying to try. However, I'm a bit hesitant to have them debut at an event where people I don't really know are going to have to pretend to like them, even if they're bad!
Here's the line up so far for today. I'll post more pics of the real deal after tomorrow!
Brown Butter Toffee Blondes (thank you, Martha Stewart)
Shortbread! (again, thanks Martha)
If anyone has any other great party favorites, let me know - I'm in super baking mode!
Right back at ya for stocking my recipe cards!